The Capitalist Maze: Navigating Feeling Lost
What do you do when you feel lost? If I’m being honest, this feeling has been haunting me for the past three years.
It's not the wanderlust kind of lost where you're discovering yourself amidst life's unfolding adventures.
Rather, it's the overwhelming sense of being trapped in a loop of uncertainty yet sameness. In this article, we'll delve into the struggles of navigating life within a capitalist system while striving to retain our humanity amidst feelings of aimlessness.
The Impact of Capitalism on Our Dreams
It’s difficult to dream of a new life because capitalism wants to turn our dreams, hobbies, and passions into revenue. The endless marketing of side hustles and multiple streams of income dangle in our peripheral.
But when I strip away the idea of eventually turning these things into checks, I question whether I enjoy them because they bring fulfillment or if this is a sub-conscious hope that they evolve into a paycheck.
It begs the question: Who am I without the indoctrination of capitalism? Are my passions meaningful without the consumption of a large audience, recognition, and money?
Confronting the Illusion of Wealth
In a system that pays to play and increasingly oppresses people, creating large gaps of wealth inequality every day, I default to participate in order to obtain the few creature comforts I have. But as I break down the ideologies of change, having to be large-scale and explosive, I grapple with the idea of how small actions will make a drop in the bucket against the Goliath of capitalism.
It’s a cycle of mental and emotional defeat when all you can add is noise instead of solutions in a game that’s stacked against the majority of us.
Embracing Humanity
Despite the hardships and systemic oppression, I cannot permanently flip the switch on my humanity to avoid feeling. Yes, sometimes I get engulfed by it, but I'd rather maintain a sense of my humanity than be callous and self-absorbed, caring only about my own well-being.
I understand that what impacts you is not solely an individualized experience or an individualized misfortune like capitalism wants us to believe. It took breaking apart to understand that we are a collective impacted in a domino effect and how important it is to comprehend nuances. We are not individuals isolated in our own system and disconnected from each other but part of a human ecosystem.
Finding Anchors
As I grapple with this sense of aimlessness, my core beliefs serve as an anchor, guiding me through the turbulence of life and understanding the workings of various systems that cause harm.
These past three years have been a constant struggle to redefine what I truly want in life, liberated from the chokehold of capitalism that once inspired my desires, actions, and thoughts.
So, here I am, embracing the evolving versions of myself in the midst of this disorienting world, trying to find my footing. Navigating the capitalist maze while holding on to our humanity is an ongoing journey, shared by many who seek genuine fulfillment and enjoyment amidst feeling lost.
It's time to break free from the shackles of capitalism, recognize our interconnectedness, and reclaim the essence of our humanity.